
Kira and her family had a wonderful time at the studio while I created beautiful portraits of them. She was a little timid at first with the baby chicks but warmed up to them after a while. We also create one of a kind pieces of artwork that are painted upon commission…take a look at […]

Spring is here!

This year we are offering the cutest baby Pekin ducks and chicks courtesy of Brandywine Ace Pet and Farm. The baby ducks and chicks bring a smile to children’s faces and we capture those priceless moments forever. Call now to schedule your Spring Special session for a limited time. 610.793.2210 Session fee $29 (a $70 […]


Looking outside this morning it was hard to believe that spring will ever come.? One more snow day and there will be no vacation left for the kids. I love winter but I have to say, this is getting old.? Bring on the spring. We will be having a spring special soon, so stay tuned. […]

Boutique Birth Announcements

Did you know that we create custom birth announcements, graduation cards, or just about anything you can imagine? Our new line of Boutique Cards can be created in almost any shape and design. Here are a few examples. Here is our latest creation.? We can create a wide variety of shapes sizes and designs.