The Thomas Family

family portrait

Family Portrait

Last weekend we photographed the Thomas family at our pond. They were a great group of people and we really enjoyed spending the evening with them. ?The boulders and waterfall make a perfect setting for large families, we can fit up to 35 people.

Family Portrait Session

We specialize in many different kinds of photography, one of which is the family portrait.? It really is important to capture the essence of your family and our outdoor studio is the perfect setting.? If you would like to book us for your family portrait, feel free to call us at: 610-793-2210 Bev Michel Family portrait West chester, PA

Family Portrait

A family portrait is one of the most important things you can have in your home.? Remember that a family portrait is not a once-in-a-lifetime event. Families quite often change, they may expand or they may shrink, and they always age. Any addition to the family, whether it’s a baby or a new spouse, makes a great reason for a new family portrait. It’s good to take a new family portrait every three or so years, to chronicle your family through the years.? As your life changes around you, it’s so nice to have a permanent reminder of your family at a specific time in your lives.? Family portrait Chadds Ford, PA
